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What does Islam say about Narcissism?

In the twenty-first century, the world is a global village where people are connected. The distance of years has reduced into yards due to mobile and i...


What does Islam say about the evil eye and its cure?

Q. What is an evil eye? Q. Is there any concept of the evil eye in Islam? Q. Is it a right practice to wear amulets and charms to protect yourself from...


Do Tawakkal in Allah, it will change your life:

Every coming day in our life brings worry and anxiety when we are passing through the hard days. What do we usually do at the onset of a calamity? Do w...


Concept of leadership

What is leadership? Does Islam guide Muslims about how to become a good leader? Most people ask this question often. The answer to these questions is e...


Purification of heart and soul

Almighty Allah created us as complete human beings and He controls all the systems working in our bodies. All the human body parts play an important ro...